Just your new Connection
We understand 'SUBSCRIBE' sounds much too formal and strict; sometimes even scary. Don't worry, Solorio's Organic's CSA Program needs no formal commitment because we're not a business, we're a Family-ran Farm, and you're not a client, you're our friend. Instead, we invite you to stay connected with us and that way we can email, DM, or shoot you a quick text to update you on our harvest, deals, and special add-ons Whenever you're ready for a new shipment, just let us know and we'll easily set up your delivery date, or pick-up option.

Quienes Somos
Our Story & Mission
At Solorio's Organic Farm somos tu vecinos here to help produce a strong community, providing you with nutritional, fresh food options grown with tradition, experience, and at a very good price. Our story is one of hardwork and commitment and one that adds to the value we hold when producing goods to feed to your families.

Sabores a lo máximo, y buenos para ti.
Our Farm Boxes hold some of the freshest fruits and veggies found on the coast. We pack our boxes with local favorites and regulars always found growing in the area. We also work with a variety of seasonal and featured products that you can add to your Farm Box at your convenience.